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Let Us Build Your Business Platform

With our business solutions, we help you to build your brand by designing your website and promoting it in the right places. We also help you setup your PPW for an easier work flow experience.


PPW Setup



Build Custom PCR forms


Import Client Pricing​


Create Work Order Types​


Integrate client portals​


Setup Auto-Work Details


Create Bid/Completion and Invoice Items


Help Sub-Contractor and office staff with setup



Website Design



Property Preservation Focused 


High Quality and Responsive 


Logo Design


Branding on Social media


Online Promotion


Using Wix



Let us know which plan would be your preferred choice and we will be happy to assist.

We Help You to Setup Your Property Preservation Business And Help You Run It Succesfully

Property Preservation Business Consultation

We Help You Setup Your PPW Account

Property Pres Wizard is an essential tool for every property preservation business. It lets you not only receive results from the infield to your office in a seamless manner but also lets you keep track of your work orders, revenue, and finances. This is why setting up PPW through building custom PCRs, adding invoice line items with pricing, adding imports from client portals, is a must when you get an account with them

Train Your Sub-Contractors To Use PPW

Your contractors might not be familiar with using Property Pres Wizard or Pruvan mobile app to upload photos from in-field. Included in our PPW setup is a free training of sub-contractors where we walk them through how to use PPW and Pruvan so that office staff not only gets the results but also notes and important information about the property through the software.

Property Preservation Business Consultation

Pruvan to PPW Integration

Sometimes your contractors might prefer using Pruvan to upload pictures from in-field, while you use PPW instead. We help you to integrate your sub-contractors Pruvan account to your PPW to transfer results from infield to your office staff more easily.

Property Preservation Business Consultation
Property Preservation Business Consultation

Build Your Brand 

We help you build your visibility online by building your business website tailored for property preservation.  We also list your business in all local listings such as in Google and Yelp. This helps you to be more trustable and helps you hire sub-contractors more easily and be able to get work from nationals with more ease.

Learn More About Our Business Services For Property Preservation Companies

ASL. Property preservation data entry service. Owned by Ayesha Outsourcing Solutions LTD (ASL BPO) that provides a large array of BPO Solutions

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Address: 5th Floor, House 6, Sector 9, Uttara, Dhaka Bangladesh

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